Tuesday, March 25, 2008

In love with reflections...

There I was! “Hey, what’s new, so exciting that you stand elated; wondering what life has to offer next?” they asked.
“What?” I look bac

In the midst of the strife, I was stuck. That’s not true, a dream I never wished to see. Days are long and long and never seem to end.

A sudden change of itinerary, a miraculous journey thus began. Swiftly I walked through; a bend when struck and I see time’s gone. “Stop”, I say, “Let me stay…………a second more!”

Drop in the ocean, fills my heart
When sun’s entrapped in between the clouds
Trying hard to lighten the sea………….
Are these clouds in love with sea?
No, I guess! A little jealous of losing charm once the water sparkles!

I feel the gusts of wind;
The air smells of salt, salt and salt.
Close my eyes I talk to self.
In conversation we both go on;

And I realize being so close to my soul!

Lost in the sun, lost in the sand,
Lost in the waves, that’s me….
Lost in me.

A mirage, is it?
No it’s heaven;

Mesmerized I stand, with chirping birds, with rustling leaves, with lovely breeze, with heavenly bodies on thin sheet of water. I look back – a dream I never wanted to see, journey which never had an end.

There I was! “Hey, what’s new, so exciting that you stand elated; wondering what life has to offer next?”
“Can they?” I thought. “Certainly not. I am fortunate…….it’s divine, euphoric.”

I am in love, truly in love with these reflections!

Photo: Atulya Bharadwaj


Anabil Goswami said...

no words.. simply great!

Me said...

Hey thanks dear. so far u r the only admirer of my posts :)
Hope to see some good ones from your side also.

Atulya said...

Actually, it's not that cold

Me said...

is that a compliment? i dont think so!

Atulya said...

Btw, nice pics! Where did you get such nice pics from ?

piyush said...

hmmmm...rather complex I must say...or should I say knotty?

Me said...

yes i know. it is complex; so am i and so is this experience!